were a great way to teach the kids tertiary colors and how to mix the paints.
were a fun way to teach the kids about texture in art.
More terrific wildife paintings by the older boys.
below: Lynx by Zachary, age 12
Elk by Cameron, age 12
As part of our color theory and artist lesson we studied about Holly Hebel and her brightly colored chalk pastel artwork. (See the famous artist link above to learn more about her) The kids had to use half of their artwork using warm colors and the other half using cool colors. This month featuring Trinity, age 9, Preston, age 10, Hannah, age 12, Averie, age 10. MORE TO COME LATER!!
Our culture lesson for November was about the Huichol Native Americans who live in Western Mexico. They use yarn and beeswax for elaborate "paintings." The kids exercised great patience as they made these! I will be posting more later as the rest of the kids finish up their artwork. Featuring art by Jace age 5, Hannah, age 12, Joseph, age 8 and Abigail age 7. MORE TO COME LATER!!
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