Chameleon Color Wheels and Tertiary Leaf Color Wheels
The 6-8 year old class made Chameleons while the older kids have worked on Tertiary Leaf Color wheels using oil pastels and watercolors. This has been a great way for them to learn how to mix their paints. I think that the color wheel is one of the most important art concepts to learn because it is used so much later on for painting.

Andrew Wyeth Pumpkin Paintings
Our Featured artist for the month was Andrew Wyeth. You can read about him and see his artwork on the "Featured Artists" tab above. Here is a small sampling of our project using oil pastels, watercolors and bronze acrylic paint to give it a little shine.

Day of the Dead Sculptures
It's always fun to teach the kids about "Dia de los Muertos" the Mexican Holiday, Day of the Dead. We think that it is similar to Halloween but in fact has nothing to do with it. It is celebrated on Nov 1 and 2 and is a holiday in remebrance of their passed loved ones. Celebrations take place at the cemetary where altars are built with the loved ones favorite things and foods from their life. They also have parades and decorate with all kinds of folk art. Our sculptures are similar to ones sold by Mexican artists. The kids had to learn how to build an "armiture" first to hold up their clay dog and then cover it using Crayola Model Magic.

Mom and Me Paper Fold Witch's
The Mom and Me class is under way with all kinds of fun art projects. The class emphasizes learning colors, shapes, cutting, glueing and an introduction to different art mediums. The projects have been fun for the moms and kids to put together.

Red eyed tree frogs. Awesome job Sadie and Saige!!

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