Fall Teen Art: Oils and Advanced Classes

We've had some pretty great art come out of these 3 classes: Oils I, Oils II and Advanced Art
Here's what they have created this Fall.

Oils I Paintings

Oils I is a beginner class where we do a lot of color mixing projects.  We also learn a lot about different painting techniques, like layering, wet in wet. The class is also taught step by step for the first few projects.

Lighted Ball Study, by Austin, age 15

Shape Abstract by Abby, age 15
Shape Abstract, by Jeremy, age 13

Monarch Butterfly by Taylor, age 11

Oils II: Landscape Compositions

These students choose and design their own compositions within a theme.  A small class, capped at 6 students, makes it possible for me to demo paint, teach a mini lesson, and bounce between students to help them individually. 
Paradise Sunset, by Brooklyn age 15

Aspen Trees, by Bayleigh, age 12

Seattle CityScape, by Karlee, age 16

The Tetons, by Nathan, age 14

Stag in the Sunset, by Dakota, age 13

Oils II: Pop Art Movie Portraits

Using a black and white photo of their favorite movie star, the students chose a color and worked in shades and tints to create the painted image.  It was quite tricky, but they turned out very cool!

Shade and Tint Pop Art by Bayleigh, age 12

Young Malificent Pop Art by Brooklyn, age 15

Harry Potter Pop Art, by Dakota, age 13

Taylor Swift Pop Art, by Karlee, age 16

Studio C Pop Art by Nathan, age 14

Advanced Art Class

This class created art using a variety of mediums.  This fall we did a wood burning project, drawing project using prismacolor pencils and painted plaster project.

 Alien Name Wood Burning, By Ben, age 13

Name Shield Wood Burning, by Cameron, age 16

 Tools Name Wood Burning, by Connor, age 13

Organic Name Wood Burning, by Skylar, age 13

Beyond Borders Dragonfly by Skylar, age 13
 Beyond Borders Beetle, by Ben, age 13
 Plaster Collage by Ben, age 13
 Plaster Collage, by Cameron, age 16
 Plaster Collage, by Connor, age 13
